The Glories of Googledocs

The research paper, itself, had been written in Googledocs.
It has been a fantastic way of doing process writing. The umbrella topic was
“Customs and Beliefs”. Each pair embraced an area that could be considered as
falling under this umbrella topic, and devised a research question, querying a
connection or relationship or influence of one aspect of the research question,
upon the other. From within the research question, each one of the pair had
their specific focus. For example, a pair who did their research question on
“What was the influence of the Rastafarian beliefs on Bob Marley’s music?”
divided the work between them, with one of them researching Bob Marley’s music,
while the other investigated Rastafarian beliefs. They then had to draw
conclusions by reading each other’s research. They wrote all of their work in
one Googledoc, which was shared with me. As they forged ahead with their undertakings, I was able to
access their docs, write comments, suggest ways to clarify, improve, correct spelling and
Thanks to Googledocs, nothing got lost; it all gets saved
automatically in their Googledoc within their Google Drive. If they made a
mistake, they went back in time and looked at the history. From within the Googledoc history, they could
either reconstruct where things had gone amiss, or just completely revert to an
earlier version. Magic!
In the past, when doing a project like this, I used to to
collect reams of summaries and drafts each session, review them at home, write my
comments, and give the pages back to them at the next lesson. By doing it all online,
in Googledocs, I have the capability of accessing the projects-in-progress any time I want. I annotate the Docs, and then send the students an email
telling them that I had written critiques; inviting them to go back in and work revise accordingly.
Unfortunately (as also happens in other modes of project
work, when you “set them loose” in the library, not all of them use their time
wisely. Hence – we find ourselves in the middle of April and not everyone has
finished their project.
Back up the truck!
Of course, all of the students had an automatic, inborn
understanding of what Googledocs were and how they are used.
Prior to
embarking on the research project, as an “enabling” exercise to teach the
students how to work on a collaborative document, we did a round-robin activity.
We had just finished learning a story which we had described as being a modern
day fairy tale. I defined a modern day fairy tale as being a fairy tale that
has the aspects of a traditional fairy tale (good vs. wicked, magical creatures
or enchanted aspects, fairy godmothers, etc.) however the story was set in a
contemporary environment. The kids were then all taught how to open a Googledoc (of
course, at the beginning of the year, at the same time that I told them what
school supplies they would need, I instructed them to open a Gmail account).
The class was then given approximately 10 minutes to begin composing their "modern-day fairy tales". After 10 minutes, they were instructed to share their documents with three other students. The other students had to pick up the tales from where the previous writers had left off. They ALL had to share their fairy tales with me.
A view of the Fairy Tales in my Drive |
And thus, they all became acquainted with the wonders of collaborative writing through the glorious tool which is Googledocs..... and we all worked happily ever after.
Note: Embedded, above, are two tutorials which I made for different purposes, but since they teach how to open and share a Googledoc, I used them to teach my students how to do so for our project, if they were absent on the day I taught it in class (or just as a reminder).
Thanks, Adele. Keep us in your digital loop